
We present on this page works that do not belong to any category and that are the result of our research as such.
Each work speaks to itself and to the others, because, although they are different, they are all created by the same intention and harmony that groups them as a single work of art.

Pietro Sabbatini Angel 150x70cm Oil on canvas
Pietro Sabbatini angel 100x70cm Oil on canvas
Pietro Sabbatini Finzione 100x120cm Oil on canvas
Pietro Sabbatini Fratelli 59”x31,49” oil and application of gold leaf on wood
Pietro Sabbatini mamma 150x80cm Oil on canvas
specchi 100x100cm oil on canvas
Pietro Sabbatini Polinesia 100x100cm Oil on canvas
Pietro Sabbatini Cascata 100x100cm Oil on canvas
Pietro Sabbatini Rapide 100x100cm Oil on canvas
Pietro Sabbatini Ritrovo 100×100 cm Oil on canvas
specchi, 100x100cm Oil on canvas
specchi 100x100cm oil on canvas
39,37”x39,37” Oil and Acrylic on Canvas
Once Upone a Time – 12 Oil on canvas
twentysevenml x Disney 63”x48” Acrylic on canvas